Producer of ladder rungs

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Producer of ladder rungs
2016-09-05|Kategoria: Branże / Inne Usługi

Company Perfopol is the ladder rungs producer. Practical and safe anti-slip ladder rungs are ideal for every possible applications. Our ladder rungs can be used for example in foundry, mining, chemical, power plants and many other areas. All models of our ladder rungs have high class anti-slip - it is very important. Our ladder rungs can be supplied in aluminum, steel, stainless steel or galvanized steel - it depend of your needs. The sheet metal of our ladder rungs has 2 mm or 3 mm of thickness. Optionally ladder rungs supplied in lengths up to the individual cutting or with cut in the pipe. As of one the best ladder rungs producer we made our products with materials of highest quality. You will be satisfied with purchase of our ladder rungs, that serve for many years.

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